
Tuesday, March 13, 2007


You have heard the expression many times before – if you think college is expensive, you ought to see how expensive ignorance is. While there might be some wry humor in that expression, there should be no excuse for someone not going to college these days. There may be very valid reasons for not going to college, but a lack of financial funding should clearly not be one of those reasons.

College grants and college scholarships are abounding today, and in fact, many of the available grants and scholarships actually are not awarded every year, for the simple reason that nobody applied for them! As crazy as that sounds, it is true. Businesses and corporations use the college grant and college scholarships they offer as a tax writeoff, and if it is not awarded, then they lose out on that writeoff, so they are more anxious than ever to award these college grants and college scholarships.

One common myth which is held by many people is that you need to show a financial need before you will be awarded a college grant or college scholarship, or that you need to excel in a particular area, like the star quarterback in football, the ace basketball player who can shoot three-pointers all day long, the violin player or the piano player where it appears that Carnegie Hall is clearly in their very talented musical future, etc. But note that I said these are “myths”. In other words, these perceptions are incorrect.

Today, a college grant or college scholarship is available to virtually any student who has the motivation and the incentive to fill out the application forms. In fact, many students get multiple scholarships and grants, simply because they sat down and took the time to fill out the applications. These are students who do not excel in sports, in music, in drama, or any other area – they simply want to go to college, they understand the importance of having a college education in today’s very competitive real world, and they made the time to go through the steps required.

While there are both grants and scholarships available, grants are more likely to be awarded based on financial need, whereas scholarships are not nearly as closely tied to whether or not there is a financial need. But then again, when you look at the cost of a college education these days, after considering living expenses in a dorm or a campus apartment, meals, books and other very basic necessities, the cost of that college education is going to run well into five figures, perhaps even six figures, so a financial need is not going to be hard to justify for virtually anyone.

College grants and college scholarships differ greatly from the usual student loans like the FAFSA loan that is available through almost any college’s financial aid or admissions office. A student loan needs to be paid back. Although payments usually do not start until after the student has graduated and the interest rate is quite low, the fact that it needs to be paid back makes grants and scholarships a much more attractive option to pursue, since neither grants nor scholarships need to be paid back.

Take the time to search out the many resources available for a college grant or college scholarship. After graduation, it is much better for you if you start out by not being in a huge pile of debt, but can start clean with your new degree.

Author: Jon Arnold

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Sunday, March 11, 2007


Online associate degree, why not? You can get degree from all associate university from all over the world without leaving your country. All degrees that you want to get are online, from medical, economic, IT, arts, science, business ect. For further information you can visit to related website.

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The Benefit Of Distance Learning Programs

In today's day and age, the computer plays an integral role in our lives; allowing us to work, shop, and even learn from the comfort of our own homes. Online education has increased in popularity as more and more colleges and universities offer comprehensive distance learning programs. And the more these programs are well received by non-traditional students who appreciate the flexibility this type of learning provides, the more programs begin to be offered.

Distance learning programs are especially helpful for those students struggling to fit education into an already busy work and family life. These programs allow students to complete their studies at a pace that works for them and still achieve their educational goals.

In the modern world, students who are already engaged in a career and family life, have little time to drive to and from college or university even if one is close enough to attend. And when you add the time in the classroom combined with homework, attaining a degree can be unmanageable.

The benefit of distance learning programs is that the same level of education is offered through accredited online colleges and universities - giving students the opportunity to earn a degree without the logistical constraints associated with attending a traditional school. There are now a variety of accredited degrees available and the subjects being offered only promise to grow in the future.

In order to decide between programs it is first necessary to ensure that the program being offered is through an accredited online college or university. The U.S. Department of Education offers an online service that allows students to research specific distance learning programs. Be sure to find a program that fits your financial and educational needs and one that will give you the degree that will help you best achieve your career goals.

Once you choose from among the distance learning programs that make the most sense for your lifestyle, you will be asked to choose a number of courses during each semester. Just as students pay tuition in a traditional college or university, students are also required to pay tuition in the case of distance learning programs.

The professor for each course will present a syllabus that outlines the course work for each semester and detail the requirements for each student requiring the purchase of books or other materials needed for the course.

Assignments and examinations take place throughout the semester to ensure that students are on track with their studies and implementing educational concepts correctly. In some cases, learning will take place through specified readings, online tutelage, and even the watching of videos.

Often, students will be asked to submit assignments on specified dates - either posting them to a particular online location or emailing them directly to their professor.

Distance learning programs bring the joy of education to all students regardless of their life situation. Programs such as these transcend busy work and home lives and bring students one step closer to a degree in higher education.

By: Riley Hendersen

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